
Date of publication:

Description: The KL Plaszow Museum would like to express its warmest thanks to all those who engaged in completing the task named “Landscape design for the post-camp area as part of the KL Plaszow Memorial Museum project”.

Our initial thanks go to the authors of the commemoration scenario for former KL Plaszow: Monika Bednarek, Marta Śmietana, Kamil Karski, Katarzyna Kocik, Ryszard Kotarba, Beata Łabno, Tomasz Owoc, Karolina Ożóg, Roma Sendyka and – via director Michał Niezabitowski – to all employees of the Kraków Museum who engaged over recent years in the establishment and development of the KL Plaszow Museum.

During archaeological works, in identification of the boundaries of the Jewish cemeteries and of the first mass grave, we were provided with great support by employees of the Rabbinic Committee on Cemeteries appointed at the office of Chief Rabbi of Poland: Agnieszka Nieradko, Aleksander Schwarz and Joshua Ellis, and DEng. Sebastian Różycki from the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw University of Technology. Professional assistance and personal engagement were contributed by a team of archaeologists supervised by Igor Pieńkos.

Throughout the time of work on commemoration, we enjoyed constant support from Tadeusz Jakubowicz, president of the Jewish Religious Community in Kraków, and Lili Haber, chair of the Israeli Association of Cracovians: we are deeply grateful for their assistance.

Jan Łazicki and Elżbieta Cajzer deserve our special thanks for providing us with guidelines for the commemoration concept and with expertise, whenever we encountered difficulties in working on that concept.

We thank the authors of the building and detailed designs from GPP Grupa Projektowa sp. z o.o., especially the architects: Borysław Czarakcziew and Sławomir Kogut, for their designs, supervision of works progress, and their major contribution to success of the project, launched in 2007.

We also thank the authors of art design of the exhibition and of the visual information system: the firms Koza Nostra Studio Sp. z o.o. and Leniva Studio.

A big thanks to Re-Bau sp. z o.o., the General Contractor of building works, and to subcontractors: Budoteam sp. z o.o. and VANGA Artur Gromala, and to inspectors from GRI – Generalny Realizator Procesu Inwestycyjnego Sp. z o.o. for their supervision of works on behalf of the investor.

We also thank the Civic Committee for the Restoration of Kraków Heritage for its support in renovation of the paving around the Nazi Victim Memorial: a grant from the National Fund for Renovation of Kraków Heritage.

Our thanks for constant support throughout the investment process go to the Task Force established at the Kraków City Office and managed by deputy mayor Andrzej Kulig, especially to Jerzy Zbiegień, the City Conservator of Heritage Assets with his office employees: Michał Szkoła and Maciej Techmański, and Łukasz Szewczyk, director of the Municipal Project Management with his office employees: Elwira Korszla and Dariusz Pasek – for their supervision and expert support during design works and in the project completion process.

The process was also supported, up to the time of establishing the KL Plaszow Museum, by the Social Council for the establishment of Memorial Museum in the area of former KL Plaszow, appointed in 2017 by Jacek Majchrowski, Mayor of Kraków.

In 2021, its role was taken over by the KL Plaszow Museum Council that since its establishment provided the Museum with advice and assistance in all its projects: we are also deeply grateful for that important contribution.

Finally, we wish to express again our heartfelt thanks to all those who took part in work on designs, coordinating documents, in building works, who provided us with advice, opinions and contributed to completion of this project.