
We are committed to making the KL Plaszow Museum accessible to everyone, including visitors with special needs. However, the museum site is an historical space, and we are not free to adapt it to all needs.

Below you will find tips that may help you when visiting the KL Plaszow Memorial site. People with special needs can use our tourist guide service free of charge.

If you need additional information, or plan a tour for a large group of people with special needs, please contact us.

Kamil Karski is responsible for implementing the accessibility policy at the KL Plaszow Museum,
Tel.: +48 12 307 02 53


Visual impairment

Visual impairment

Most trams and buses in Kraków’s public transport system are equipped with speech synthesizers informing passengers about the next stop on their routes. Pedestrian crossings have to be passed on the way to the Memorial site. The crossings are equipped with tactile paving and audio signal systems triggered in the ‘walk’ phase. When approaching from Wielicka Street, you have to pass through a housing estate with a number of footways and internal roads. A more convenient access route to the KL Plaszow Museum leads from Kamieńskiego Street. However, remember that a stretch of that route is located along Swoszowicka Street without a separate footway.

The Memorial site area offers no additional markings (such as tactile foot paths) to help visually impaired visitors to stay on trails. Therefore, if you wish to visit the Memorial site, consider informing us about your plan, and using the advice provided by our tourist guide. The guide will also assist you during your visit to the Memorial site, helping you to move across its terrain. You can also use tactile aids, such as a map of the camp, or small-scale models of buildings and heritage monuments.