
Staff members of the KL Plaszow Museum implement educational programs, including open thematic meetings (see the Events section), guided tours of the Memorial site for visitor groups, remote classes for school pupils, volunteering and educational projects.

The former KL Plaszow area can be visited individually, with a hired guide or as part of meetings organized by the Museum. The KL Plaszow Museum offers guided tours in Polish and English. Guided tours in other languages can be arranged in advance with our Educational Department (email: The Museum also offers liaison with city-licensed tourist guides qualified to show visitors around the Memory Trail.

Estimated sightseeing time, depending on the program selected, is 2 to 3 hours. To obtain detailed information about classes, organized activities and about their booking, please contact us at:




Volunteering programs at the KL Plaszow Museum are established to cooperate with those who want to participate in developing awareness and knowledge of the Memorial site. We encourage you to support and participate in various Museum activities, beginning with work on organizing and analysing historical sources, ending with assistance in the organization of Museum events. We welcome all those who wish to gain experience in museum practice and contribute to broadening their knowledge of the memorial site.

If you have questions about...

  • Who is a volunteer?
    A volunteer is someone who freely works for the Museum. This is a formal definition, but we believe that volunteering is based on sharing knowledge and skills, on mutual cooperation and assistance. If you are interested in the history of the KL Plaszow Memorial site and World War II, if you identify with the Museum’s mission, if you are willing to assume obligations and take on challenges, become a volunteer.
  • What can a volunteer do?
    We operate a volunteering project system at the KL Plaszow Museum. Each project includes a set of actions planned to achieve a specific goal. Below you will find descriptions of various projects from which to choose your favourite volunteering work.
  • What does a volunteer give and receive?
    We expect volunteers to show openness, integrity and reliability. In return, we offer a working experience in a cultural institution in its initial operational phase, beginning with the exhibition arrangement process, and ending with a variety of educational and field projects. We also share our knowledge, and work in the spirit of partnership. We sign an agreement with every volunteer, modelled on the template displayed below the description of each project. Your cooperation will be documented by a certificate. We believe that team work on our dissonant heritage is meaningful and contributes considerably to our understanding of the present.
  • Can volunteering qualify as student practical training?
    Yes, but you have to consult in detail about this form of practical training with your university. Prior to beginning your volunteering at the KL Plaszow Museum, you will receive a volunteering agreement consistent with the template displayed below the description of each project. After completing your volunteering, you will also receive a certificate confirming your work, with a description of your contribution and duties.
  • How do you become a volunteer?
    Detailed information concerning the volunteer recruitment process is displayed below the description of each project. You will also find that there a description of the application procedure and necessary documents to be read before deciding to become a volunteer.

    As a first step -  write us.  We will contact you after receiving your message!

Volunteering projects