
We are committed to making the KL Plaszow Museum accessible to everyone, including visitors with special needs. However, the museum site is an historical space, and we are not free to adapt it to all needs.

Below you will find tips that may help you when visiting the KL Plaszow Memorial site. People with special needs can use our tourist guide service free of charge.

If you need additional information, or plan a tour for a large group of people with special needs, please contact us.

Kamil Karski is responsible for implementing the accessibility policy at the KL Plaszow Museum,
Tel.: +48 12 307 02 53


Procedure for providing accessibility

Procedure for providing accessibility

Information about the absence of accessibility

Everyone, without documenting his or her legitimate interest, can advise the Museum of the absence of its accessibility due to architectural obstacles or information and communication failures.

Please send your reports to:

KL Plaszow Museum

ul. Lipowa 3/115

30-702 Kraków

or by email to:,

Requests for providing accessibility

People with special needs or their legal representatives, documenting their factual interest, may request the KL Plaszow Museum to ensure its architectural or information and communication accessibility.

Requests can be submitted in person or by post to:

KL Plaszow Museum

ul. Lipowa 3/115

30-702 Kraków

or by email to:,

Detailed procedure for requesting accessibility